Application Management System (AMS) & Social Benefit

Application Management System (AMS) & Social Benefit

Customer: Nork Technology Center is the technology office of the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in charge of the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of over 25 online platforms serving the social protection sphere. Nork TC continuously works with the RA Government and international stakeholders such as the UN, Asian Development Bank, European Commission, and others to enhance and develop digital by default human-centric services.

Project: The application Management System (AMS) is aimed toward the modernization and transformation of the End-to-End social benefit allocation process, and serving as a single window for service provision in Armenia. 

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia initiated a reform to overhaul the logic and approaches used in this process completely. A new digital platform was designed from scratch and deployed to redefine how social benefits are allocated. Transparency and objectivity were addressed through data mining and integration with other government and private platforms. Additionally, a unified platform, Application Management System (AMS) was created for the overall application acceptance, management, processing, and decision-making cycles encompassing over 100 services provided by the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and acting as a single window for all provisions. This facilitated the establishment of a distributed social registry, enabling more accurate and data-driven decision-making and monitoring of services provided to citizens in the field of social protection.

Provisioned Service: Throughout the project, we provide End-to-End IT project management service for Nork TC during which the overall project was defined and designed from scratch. Business process analyses were performed to identify stakeholder needs for the RA government processes which were not re-engineered since 1995. As in our previous GovTech project, e-Disability, here also project planning is performed, roadmaps are developed and identified key points are targeted, including.

  • End-to-end project management and support, encompassing project initiation, planning, design, deployment, and maintenance stages,
  • Efficient resource allocation to ensure optimal project execution and delivery,
  • Creation of the Strategy Roadmap to define and prioritize milestones for delivering business value throughout the project,
  • Implementation of auxiliary people management activities to foster team focus, engagement, and drive toward successful project outcomes.

AMS, like many government projects, faces the challenge of frequent changes in requirements and scope, which pose a significant risk. To effectively manage these risks, Agile methodologies were implemented, including an incremental approach, risk mitigation planning, and continuous reflection and improvement activities. By adopting a proactive Agile approach, the stability of this GovTech project was maintained, resulting in more predictable outcomes and reduced impacts of identified risks.

Team Size: Over 40 team members, including data and business analysts, data scientists, database administrators, DevOps engineers, backend developers, frontend developers, and UI/UX designers.

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